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Origin of BHARATHI

Famous maxim goes, ”Even a thousand mile journey will also starts with a single step”. We all know pretty well, the very first step should be prompt, perfect and prospective. Thus BHARATHI’S  first step was highly invincible and phenomenal. A golden thought sprout in a mother mind to establish an encouraging institution to create intellects with rural children  is proved today, was the first single step of ‘BHARATHI’. We feel so proud to remind you all that dynamic mind belongs to Dr.V.V.Mohanambal, the Founder, Correspondent and Principal, BMHSS and a man of vision, an architect Mr.P.V.SenthilKumar B.E.B.Ed,President of BMHSS.

In the year 1987, Mrs.Dr.V.V.Mohanambal established Bharathi, that could address the inner aspirants of young minds with a strength of 50 students where it is grown to 3500+ students with her hard work and efforts. BHARATHI has extended its branches like a banyan tree to BHARATHI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL and BHARATHI NEET ACADEMY.

The greatest ideology of BMHSS is that fathomed adherence to ethics and morals, qualitative ,inquisitive , logically appreciated and globally accepted theories. Perhaps the very journey of BHARATHI is aimed at quality thinking and designed destiny to keep the organization at highest altitude.

Our Aims and Objectives

  • To inculcate a character building education more than subject oriented.

  • To help the poor for their studies

  • To provide proper educatoin not only to the meritorious students but also to the slow learners.

  • To develop self confidence and train theme to be in their own skillful way

  • To teach the children through a play way method and with practical exhibits and computer programmes

  • To develop good leadership quality in everyone.

  • To teach right food habits and good mannerism.

  • To provide varity of games.

  • To educate through pick and choose method.

  • To develop Good Teacher – Children and Parent – Teacher relationship